HomeHappinessHow to Get Your Marriage "In the Zone"

How to Get Your Marriage “In the Zone”

Today’s marriage article comes from our friends over at simplemarriage.net

Right now, my married life seems to be clicking, or in the zone.

My wife changed jobs to one that has her working directly with people and seeing the impact of her knowledge as it helps them with their money. I’m creating systems, training and resources to help married people like you improve the your most important relationship.

We’ve worked hard to get to where we are.

Full disclosure, our married life still includes times of frustration, heartache, and tension between us. What makes this different for us is the ebbs and flows of relationship harmony aren’t over-reacted to by either of us near as often.

We’re quicker to recognize the system we’ve created together and we’re both more willing to allow each other the room to be ourselves without taking these moments personally.

The difference in our time together is astounding.

How do you get there?

How do you create a system that clicks with your spouse?

We found our way here through many paths. Some seemed to be colossal failures at the time, but I realized it was just another path directing us forward. I’ve shared many of these ideas before throughout on Simple Marriage. I’ve been honored to be invited into the nitty-gritty of life with those I counsel in my office and online.

We discovered this season of married life together by working our way deeply into the lives of others – and each other.

Read Next on Thriving Marriages  7 Words to Protect Your Marriage

Replay that sentence.

Did you catch the subtlety within it when compared to other marriage advice being offered elsewhere?

In case you didn’t … great married life is created when you each create a great life worth living and the marriage is the icing on the cake.

Ask yourself, is that what you’re doing in YOUR world?

And if not, why not?


Or is it more likely that you’ve entered into married life without a full realization of the dynamics that are inherent in every marriage and you’ve wound up feeling lost and alone? You feel you lack the tools to turn the jumble of emotions and the thoughts in your head into something you can do to create something better?

My life’s work is helping you create something meaningful in yours.

Joshua Peasehttps://tinyletter.com/joshuapease
Josh is a writer, pastor, and journalist passionate about discovering a more compelling vision of God's kingdom. You can read more of his work at joshuapease.co