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What Mission Is Your Marriage is Called To?

We were married for a mission. When we give away our life, we find it. When we focus outside our marriage, we end up strengthening it.

6 Ways Forgiveness Isn’t What You Think It is.

The power to forgive in marriage ultimately comes from God. And what you may not realize is there are some myths about forgiveness.

Your Kids Become What You Model in Your Marriage

We care more about our kids’ happiness than we do about our marriage. The irony is that a happy marriage IS how you raise happy kids.

Sometimes Your Spouse Doesn’t Want Your Help. Here’s Why.

In married life we can misread and overstep our bounds. Even when this is under the umbrella of trying to help, beware of overreaching.

My Spouse Watches Porn: Now What?

What can you do if your spouse watches porn? As you seek authentic intimacy in your marriage, here are a few practical steps to take.