HomeDate Night50 "Holi-date" Ideas

50 “Holi-date” Ideas

 Just in time for Christmas comes this great post from fridaywereinlove.com. This site has TONS of practical marriage/life resources and is worth checking out. 

We absolutely love Christmas dates, and just can’t seem to get enough time to do all we want each season. There’s always a list of all the Christmas date idea we can think of made, and only so many weekends to fit them all in! Regardless, it’s always fun to try to fit them all in and make the most of the holiday season while creating memories together!  We decided we might as well pass along our list of ideas for others to enjoy this fun holiday season!
So here you are friends, here are 50 holiday date ideas to make the holiday season a bit more romantic and memorable!
 50 Holiday Date Ideas: 

1. Drive around neighborhoods and look at lights
2. Make a hot chocolate bar, have friends/family over.
3. Go sledding
4. Make a snowman/snow angels
5. Go Caroling, preferably to a hospital or nursing home
6. Play Christmas music together on the piano
7. See the lights!
8. Get hot chocolate and chill at Starbucks
9. Attend a Christmas concert at a local venue
10. Small town or small budget?  Attend the local high school’s Christmas concerts
11. Go see The Forgotten Carols
12. Go see The Christmas Carol
13. Be a ballet fan and go see The Nutcracker
14. Go see any other Christmas play/concert
15. Zoolights
16. Botanical Garden Lights (or any other local attraction where you may live)

17. Make Christmas cookies
18. Build gingerbread houses together
19. Watch Christmas movies
20. Wrap presents together
21. Go Christmas shopping together
22. Decorate
23. Hang lights around the house
24. Drink eggnog/hot chocolate/tea by a fire
25. Share our favorite versions of Christmas songs with each other
26. Take holiday photos
27. Go get your picture taken with Santa at the mall
28. Attend your holiday work party together
29. Write a newsletter together
30. Go get a tree together (real or fake)
31. Go ice skating
32. Volunteer- organize toys, gifts, or food at local non-profits
33. Go to a religious service- bonus points if it isn’t your religion and you get to learn something
34. Make Christmas shopping easy for others, go around town and take pictures of some items on your wish list to send to others.
35. Make stockings together
36. Hit up a bookstore, read your favorite childhood holiday books, A Christmas Carol, etc.
37. Take a sleigh-ride
38. Find one of your family’s favorite holiday recipes, make it together
39. Have a Christmas cookie exchange with other couples/friends
40. Make a homemade Christmas gift together
41. Rent a cabin for the weekend- preferably somewhere with snow
42. Ugly sweater party
43. Attend church sponsored parties/activities together
44. Choose a child’s name from a wish list and go shopping to find a toy to make the season for a child (Toys for Tots is a great source)
45. Discuss your family’s Christmas/holiday breakfast tradition.  Make that dish together for a breakfast date
46. Cut out snowflakes together.  Go donate the decorations to a shelter, nursing home, or school in need.
47. Find local holiday festivals, attend one together (Festival Lights, Festival of Trees, etc.)
48. Take a holiday cooking class together (there are typically several cookie classes offered)
49. Have a snowball fight
50. Take holiday treats to your neighbors, meet them, or get to know them a little better

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Joshua Peasehttps://tinyletter.com/joshuapease
Josh is a writer, pastor, and journalist passionate about discovering a more compelling vision of God's kingdom. You can read more of his work at joshuapease.co